Blazing Souls Accelate (ANDROID version) ~ Part 130 ~ Ruin Raiders (Harbor City Girvea)

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Continuing my first video playthrough, starring Blazing Souls Accelate for the Android.

This series will cover all major story events and battles, in order. Enjoy.

Guide used to make this video is the work of Koichimaru, to be found here:

In an attempt to both gain Zelos’ goodwill and to observe the strength of the Human Genome, Edward approaches him with a tempting offer…

This map shouldn’t be too difficult if you’ve come this far. A few Iron Giants, White Arcs and the boss, a King Slime. Our main objective is to grab the treasure (A Sonic Gun+ and a Skull Staff+) and kill the King Slime. The Iron Giants all drop Titan Rings (or Titan Ring +), while the White Arcs have normal drops. Both enemies are level 100, but nothing too threatening, going down after a few combos.

The King Slime is another story. Slimes are already annoying, with high damage resistance and Break values, and this anomaly is no exception. At level 120, it’s going to take some work to damage it, let alone kill it. It only has about 310,000 HP, but until you manage to put it in BREAK status, your damage will be mediocre. Slimes are weak to Pierce, so use Ice, Lighting, Combo and Rogue to reduce the Break Gauge quickly. (Don’t forget to end with magic to negate the Couterattack)

(This battle introduces another mechanic which will be invaluable for the battles to come: don’t attack enemies with only one party member, wait until you can get several people involved so you can perform a long chain combo. This increases the efficiency of attacks, as well as stacking combo bonuses and Break Values, maximizing damage output.)


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